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Rep. Simpson Demands Biden Admin Reverse Course on Israel Aid

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted in favor of the Israel Security Assistance Support Act. This legislation curbs President Biden’s misguided efforts to withhold critical security resources appropriated in United States law by compelling the delivery of defense weapons to Israel as they fight to protect themselves against radical terrorists.

 “President Biden’s dangerous decision to withhold critical arms shipments to Israel undermines our great ally, emboldens our enemies like Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, and jeopardizes our national security,” said Rep. Simpson, an original cosponsor of this bill. “President Biden’s inappropriate pressuring of Israel and appeasement of his radical base sets a dangerous global precedent. The United States must send a clear message to the rest of the world – that we will continue to stand with Israel. I proudly supported that message by voting yes on this legislation.”

Highlights of the bill include:

·       Compels the expeditious delivery of approved defense articles and services to Israel, including third-party deliveries.

·       Withholds funds from the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and the National Security Council until suspended defense articles are delivered.

·       Condemns the Biden Administration’s dangerous decision to pause arms as Israel faces unprecedented threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran.

·       Reaffirms Israel’s right to self-defense.

·       Upholds the power of the purse and oversight responsibilities of Congress.

·       Requires a report on actions taken by the Executive Branch to withhold security assistance and therefore impede Israel’s ability to defend itself.

The measure was approved with a vote of 224-187.