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Rep. Simpson Votes to Fully Fund Veterans Health Care and Benefits

WASHINGTON—This week, the House Committee on Appropriations voted to advance the Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson–Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee–supported this advancement. This bill fully funds veterans’ health care programs and benefits, supports military families, and strengthens America’s defense.

“Our nation made a promise to care for and support those who have courageously defended our freedoms,” said Rep. Simpson. “This legislation upholds that commitment by fully funding veterans’ health care programs, benefits, and all other veterans’ related programs. Since coming to Congress, supporting our veterans and advocating for the brave men and women in uniform has been one of my top priorities. I am proud to continue these efforts by supporting this bill and am pleased this measure has advanced.”

Highlights of the bill include:

  • Fully funding veterans’ health care programs.
  • Fully funding veterans’ benefits and VA programs.
  • Protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of veterans, preventing VA from sending information to the FBI about veterans without a judge’s consent.

The measure was approved by the Committee with a vote of 34 to 25.

This funding package will now go to the full floor of the House of Representatives for further consideration.