Simpson Statement on SOTU
Despite inheriting the most secure southern border in history, President Biden has allowed over 4.5 million illegal border crossings since taking office and has allowed the flow of deadly fentanyl to infiltrate our border. In the first three months of FY23 alone, CBP seized over 9,000 pounds of fentanyl—that is enough to kill more than 2.1 billion people. Yet, only now is he suggesting to work with Republicans in Congress to secure the border and accomplish meaningful immigration reform for a legal workforce.
As much as President Biden loved to tout the partisan ‘accomplishments’ of Democrats’ one-party rule the past few years in Washington, Americans dealing with the consequences of those fiscally reckless policies know better. Americans who are still facing record-high inflation, increased gas and energy prices, weakened national security, and a completely unsecured border are left wondering when solutions will come to their families and businesses. Despite these challenges, House Republicans are determined to deliver on our commitment to America and achieve the ideals for a truly strong nation.
Little, Bedke, Crapo, Risch, Simpson raise concerns about Lava Ridge wind farm proposal on federal land
This week Governor Little, Lt Governor Bedke, Senators Crapo and Risch, and I submitted a joint letter to express our deep concerns to Idaho’s head of the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) about the Lava Ridge wind farm proposed in south-central Idaho.
Idahoans cherish the concept of multiple and mixed uses on their public lands. This requires conservation, predictability of use and, most importantly, support from the local communities. These deep-rooted values are compromised by a piecemeal approach to large-scale generation projects on public lands. Dedicating hundreds of square miles of public lands to a specific use will have a long-term effect on recreation, grazing, sporting uses and the land in general.
Affected farmers, ranchers, tribes, the Japanese American community, and sportsmen have voiced legitimate objections. As it stands today, the local community predominantly has not shown support for this development.
We urge the BLM to reassess and refocus the process on working with the local communities to address the concerns outlined above. If all of these concerns are not addressed, it is unlikely we will be able to support this project moving forward.
Read the full letter HERE.
The public can participate in public comment periods throughout the project's NEPA process. One such period is open now until March 21, 2023. Find out how to participate HERE.
Simpson Secures Funds for Shoshone Emergency Response Infrastructure Project in FY23 Omnibus
Through CPFs, members of Congress can request funds directly for eligible projects in their own congressional districts and avoid some of the problematic delays and funding decisions made by Biden-appointed bureaucrats in government agencies. While Congress undoubtedly needs to get federal spending under control, CPFs represent an important, and limited—no more than one percent of discretionary spending—way to use tax dollars responsibly and fund worthy and meaningful projects in Members’ own districts.
The $1,550,000 in funding will be used for an emergency services infrastructure project that includes a helipad and a 4-unit ambulance bay attached to the new Family Health Services (FHS) Community Health Center being constructed in rural Shoshone, Idaho – home to over 5,300 residents. This comprehensive emergency services infrastructure project will provide access to crucial emergency medical transport into and out of the rural community to generate favorable health outcomes.
The helipad and ambulance bay will greatly expedite access to emergency care for this very rural part of Idaho that serves as a conduit to the popular Sun Valley Area. This project will create a robust health services network capable of yielding positive outcomes and reducing health disparities often inherent in rural communities where distance limits response and transport time in medical emergencies.
“Lincoln County is thrilled for the award of approximately $1.5 million for the addition of a helipad and ambulance bay that will work in conjunction with the new family health services facility. This opportunity will allow our citizens to have access to high quality medical services and faster response time to improve public safety for all citizens of Lincoln County. We would like to thank Congressman Simpson for all his hard work to help make this happen!” -Lincoln County Commissioners
Simpson Secures Funds for Little Wood River Project After 20 Years of Effort
The Gooding Wall is a great example of how CPFs benefit Idaho. This project, needed to repair dilapidated sections of the Gooding Canal that put the community at higher risk of flooding, was authorized with language I included in a 2007 bill. But without the opportunity to request the funding needed to carry out the construction, this flood control project, so critical to an Idaho community, languished on the shelf for decades. Congressional action was needed to finally get it underway, and I was able to use the CPF program to direct funding to get it started again.
The project will receive $2.3 million to begin replacement of the walls of the channel that flows through the city of Gooding, Idaho, which was constructed in the 1930s. Many sections of the wall have failed, leading to an increase in localized flood risk and threat to adjacent public infrastructure and private property. It is also leading to long-term undermining of the public roads along its corridor from subsurface erosion. The City of Gooding has been seeking funds for this project for nearly twenty years.
The City of Gooding has been waiting a long time for this project to be completed, with the threat of major flooding looming every year. This is something I’ve been working on since I came to Congress two decades ago, and, after several starts and stops, I am greatly encouraged that we are finally seeing momentum on this important flood control project.
“The city of Gooding is extremely grateful for the effort put forth by Congressman Mike Simpson to secure funding for the replacement of the failing ‘River Wall’ that goes through our community. This project has been repeatedly delayed for over twenty years due to underbudgeting — but Congressman Simpson offered intelligent solutions in the House bill that was signed by the president that will allow the project to finally be successful! In addition, several other conditions of the bill allow us to bring down the 10 percent cost share by participating in the work and making the remaining payments more manageable by repaying over 30 years. Congressman Mike Simpson has been in our corner and looking out for us, thank you Congressman Simpson!” -Larry Bybee, City of Gooding Public Works Director
Simpson Secures Funds for Rock Creek Conservation and Water Quality Enhancement Project in FY23 Omnibus
Flooding and water quality have been ongoing issues in the Twin Falls community for several years now. Twin Falls County has grown by nearly 20 percent in the last decade, so tackling these problems in the Rock Creek Watershed is more critical than ever. I’m pleased to support this project, which will not only address these issues but also enhance water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities in the Magic Valley.
The $4 million in funding is designated to the Rock Creek Restoration and Water Quality Project to enhance water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, urban outdoor recreational opportunities, and to provide flood control benefits in the lower Rock Creek Watershed in Twin Falls County, Idaho. Through acquisition of property and construction of off-stream ponds, the project will help alleviate flooding while also providing sediment removal and total phosphorus reductions from agricultural runoff. The removal of sediment and the reduction in total phosphorus will further improve water quality in Rock Creek and also contribute to the reduction of nutrients in the Mid-Snake River. The project will connect city owned properties and preserve and provide greater public access to enhanced outdoor urban recreational experiences in the creek corridor.
“We are grateful for Congressman Simpson’s efforts to help the City of Twin Falls improve Rock Creek and overall water quality in our area. In partnering with the Twin Falls Canal, we will be able to make long-term water improvements that will enhance water quality and benefit fisheries, wildlife, and recreational opportunities,” said Twin Falls Mayor Ruth Pierce.
I had a great meeting this week with sheriffs from Bonneville and Canyon Counties, and the Director for the Idaho Sheriffs’ Association about the need to secure our Southern border and stop the flow of fentanyl into the U.S. I am grateful for their dedicated service to Idaho!
This week, Chairwoman Kay Granger gaveled in the House Appropriations Committee's first meeting of the 118th Congress.
I am grateful to continue serving on this committee, and remain committed to working with my colleagues to craft legislation that addresses the challenges facing our nation while also balancing the need to reduce federal spending.