U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson - 2nd District of Idaho

Idaho STEP Challenge

Mile Tracker Board Update

This is a reminder to let all participants know that the next Mile Tracker Board update will be posted on Tuesday, June 28th. That means your miles walked should be turned in no later than Monday night. The update will be for teams and individuals.

*Reminder* The miles you enter should be the TOTAL miles you have walked since June 1st. For example, if you entered 50 miles walked for the first Mile Tracker Board (June 13th) and then you walked an additional 52 miles since then, you should enter 102 miles. If you need the link to enter miles for individuals, click here. For teams, click here.

How to Convert Your Bike Miles into STEPS

Since the Idaho STEP Challenge launched on June 1, 2016, more than 400 people have signed up to walk, run, or hike alongside Congressman Mike Simpson during his journey across the United States. Based on enthusiastic feedback from several challenge participants, the STEP Challenge has added bike mileage to the list of acceptable exercise formats. As of today, you can convert the miles ridden on a bike into STEPS, and log them into the Mile Tracker Board. 

There are several websites and health blogs that provide clear steps for converting bike miles into steps. To keep the process consistent, we’ve selected a conversion format found on the LIVESTRONG website. The basic conversion process is below, but full details are available at http://www.livestrong.com/article/187672-how-to-convert-exercise-bike-miles-to-steps/

Bike Mileage Conversion

1. Write down the number of miles ridden on your bike.

2. Multiple your number of miles ridden by 5,280 to convert the distance into feet.

3. Divide the number of feet cycled by your average stride length, or feet per step.

4. In general, the average stride length for a male is 2.5 feet, while the average stride length for a female is 2.2 feet.

5. After completing the calculation, the solution will equate to the number of steps you can enter into the Mile Tracker Board.

6. Here is a conversion example:

a. 5 miles cycled

b. 5 multiplied by 5,280 = 26,400 feet

c. 26,400 divided by 2.5 (average male stride) or 2.2 (average female stride)

d. Total STEPS = 10,560 (male) or 12,000 (female) 

e.Divide total steps by 2,000 to get your miles

“The main goal of the Idaho STEP Challenge has always been to encourage Idahoans to get fit and stay healthy,” said Congressman Simpson. “I’m thrilled so many people have decided to participate in this event, and now we’ve added biking to encourage more people to join the challenge.”

Funny reminder to keep an accurate step count:

*The New Yorker Cartoon

Step Challenge Information

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