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Rep. Simpson’s Latest Op-Ed: Government Shutdowns are Bad Policy and Politics

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed signaling the potential consequences of an upcoming government shutdown. Government Shutdowns are Bad Policy and Politics By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. It’s no surprise that I am extremely frustrated by the possibility that Congress will fail to pass this year’s appropriations bills before the fiscal year ends on September 30th, leading to a potential government shutdown. What exasperates me even more is the fact that some Members of Congress seem to think that a shutdown is actually a good idea, as if r... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is constructing a new fire station for the Shelley-Firth Fire District in Firth, Idaho. Fighting for Firth’s Firefighters By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. As we work to address the very real problem of irresponsible government spending, it can be easy to throw the baby out with the bathwater and mischaracterize all federal spending as wasteful and i... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is reconstructing Eagle Road to meet growing economic development needs and increase safety for the people in Fort Hall, Idaho. Reconstructing Eagle Road in Fort Hall is Essential By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. I think we can all agree that a safe and efficient transportation system is the backbone of a community. But this kind of infrastructure i... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is providing workforce housing and infrastructure improvements for the Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho. Investing in the Future of Birds of Prey By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. Working in Congress in the current political climate is challenging, but one of the most rewarding parts of this job is watching Idaho succes... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is constructing a childcare center for law enforcement families in the Treasure Valley, Idaho. Backing the Blue and Their Families By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. Idaho’s law enforcement officers are some of the best in the nation. They are selfless public servants who risk their lives each day to keep our communities safe, and they deserve our gra... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is constructing affordable housing for temporary and permanent employees and their families in Stanley, Idaho. Standing up for Stanley By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. If you’ve lived in Idaho for any amount of time, you know that access to our abundance of mountains, forests, rivers, and other wild spaces is one of the best things about living in o... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is replacing the existing rock walls that line the Little Wood River in Gooding, Idaho. Getting the Goods for Gooding By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. As a long-time advocate of Idaho’s priorities, I unapologetic support congressionally-directed funding. Over the years, this has put me at odds with those in the media and Congress who use the idea of... Read More »

Rep. Simpson's Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is supporting Idaho’s dairy industry in Rupert, Idaho. Supporting Idaho's Dairy Industry By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. Agriculture plays a central role in Idaho’s economy and way of life. The farmers and agribusinesses in our state are responsible for one in every eight jobs in Idaho and are the main suppliers of commodities like potatoes and dai... Read More »

Rep. Simpson’s Latest Community Project Funding Op-Ed

WASHINGTON— Today, Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) wrote an op-ed highlighting the importance of Community Project Funding and its role in providing critical support for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. One such priority is the rehabilitation of the Mackay Dam in Custer County. Funding for the Mackay Dam Cannot Wait By Rep. Mike Simpson The full op-ed is available below. As your representative in Congress, I take seriously my responsibility to advocate for Idaho’s priorities within a responsible federal budget. I would always rather bring Idaho tax dollars back home for Idaho priorities than se... Read More »

Simpson Reflects on Congress’ Duty to Veterans

As Veterans Day approaches, Congressman Simpson reflects on the exceptional commitment to service demonstrated by veterans and active members of the military every day. “This Veterans Day, we honor and thank our nation’s veterans and their families for the sacrifices they have made to keep us safe. These heroes have dedicated their lives to protecting our American way of life, and it is because they serve that we may live freely and without fear,” said Simpson. “I consider it one of my greatest honors and responsibilities to give back to these citizens who have given so much of themselves. For... Read More »