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Celebrate Idaho for Saturday is National Public Lands Day

“Idaho’s abundance of parks, forests, and public lands makes our state a wonderful place in which to live, work, and play. As a life-long Idahoan, an appreciation for Idaho’s wild areas is in my blood. I spent my childhood years at Redfish Lake, hiking in the Sawtooth National Forest, and camping in Island Park. These places hold the memories of my childhood, but they are just as significant to me today. They provide beauty and space that lets me breathe and find rest when I need it. “My experience with the wild areas of Idaho is no different than that of most Idahoans. Idahoans live here beca... Read More »

Simpson Supports Bill to Require President to Offer Plan to Avoid Sequester

Congressman Simpson today supported H.R. 6365, the National Security and Job Protection Act, offered by Representative Allen West. The bill would require the President to submit a legislative plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion to avoid the mandatory budget sequester scheduled to take effect on January 2, 2013. After the failure of the “super committee” to agree on $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction last year, an automatic across-the-board spending cut, known as a sequester, is scheduled to come into effect unless Congress can come to an agreement to reduce the debt by that am... Read More »

Congressman Mike Simpson joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives today and passed HR 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act

Congressman Mike Simpson joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives today and passed HR 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. “Increasing the transparency and accountability of the Federal Reserve to Congress has become more critical in light of the expansion of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet since the financial crisis of 2008-2009,” Simpson said. “Decisions made by the Federal Reserve impact our nation’s economic health and I believe the American people should have greater access to information about these decisions.” Read More »

Simpson Says ACA Fight Isn’t Over

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today expressed disappointment with the United State Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. “While I accept the Supreme Court’s decision, I am disappointed that the government now has the ability to tax American citizens if they don’t purchase a private product and I remain concerned with the precedent that sets for the future,” said Simpson. “If Americans can be taxed for not purchasing health insurance, the government’s ability to tax, or punish, American citizens as a means of driving their behavior seems unlimited. It is difficult not to... Read More »

Simpson's Statement on Attorney General Eric Holder in Criminal Contempt:

“I find no satisfaction in voting to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress, but I also can’t stand by and watch the oversight role of Congress ignored and thwarted,” said Congressman Mike Simpson. “Congress has a right to the documents it has sought from the Attorney General but more importantly, the American people have a right to those documents. The American people also have a right to the truth surrounding Operation Fast and Furious and until I am confident they have received the truth, I will support the effort of Congress to aggressively seek it on their behalf.” Read More »

Celebrating 25 Years of the GI Bill

“June 1, 2012, marks the 25th anniversary of the first permanent Department of Veterans Affairs-administered Montgomery GI Bill. Enacted in 1987, the landmark New GI Bill Continuation Act offered a life changing incentive for veterans returning from active duty to the workforce. By offering veterans access to higher education, it both strengthened our national defense and helped revitalize our economy. “The GI Bill has proved over the years to be a boon for many of our veterans. Veterans are able to return home with a plan for their future. The education they receive helps many enter the workf... Read More »

National Park Week—Celebrate “America’s Best Idea”

“Our national parks have been called our nation’s crown jewels, a title I believe is well-deserved. We have a rich collection of parks across this nation, from Gettysburg Battlefield to the Grand Canyon to Yellowstone National Park, that capture the beauty, diversity, and history of our country. For 275 million Americans each year, our national parks provide the opportunity to get outdoors and learn about the places and people of our great country. “Next week, April 21-29, is National Park Week, and we have the opportunity to celebrate our national parks—dubbed “America’s Best Idea”—with free ... Read More »

Congressional Art Contest Winners to be Recognized at the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho

Participants of the Congressional Art Competition will be featured in an exhibit in the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho (300 S. Capitol Ave.) on Thursday, April 5, 2012. Congressman Mike Simpson invites all to attend a reception acknowledging participating students that will begin at 4:00 p.m. Simpson will recognize 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in both categories of Photography, and Painting, Pastel & Pencil. Many students will be in attendance and this event is open to the media and public. High School art students around the congressional district had the opportunity to create an artwork to en... Read More »

Simpson Questions Office of Nuclear Energy Funding and NRC’s Management

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson challenged the two arms of the government’s nuclear energy organizations, the Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), when they came to testify before the House Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee. The FY13 budget request for the Department of Energy decreases funding for the Office of Nuclear Energy by 10% while increasing many other accounts, such the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, which the President proposes to increase by 25%. “I’m disappointed in the budget overall,” Simpson said. “The request, as you sai... Read More »

Simpson Responds to President’s Budget

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson issued the following statement in response to the release of the president’s budget for FY 2013. “I will look over the President’s budget request over the next several weeks, and look forward to hearing from Administration officials on the specifics of their proposals. However, looking over it today I am discouraged that it does not appear to make a serious effort to reduce the debt and keep it at sustainable levels. We need more debt reduction than the President offers, and we need substantive mandatory spending reform. We need a determined effort from the Pres... Read More »