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Simpson: All Crimes are Hateful

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted against H.R. 2647, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 because it included a provision concerning hate crimes.

“I believe that every potential victim deserves protection,” said Simpson. “When any heinous crime is committed, perpetrators should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes are hateful and a violent crime committed to ANY person should be treated the same, regardless of their race, color, religion, or sexual orientation.”

The hate crime language that was inserted in H.R 2647 creates special classes of victims based solely upon behaviors of certain groups of people. The bill equates these protected classes with those of race, color, religion, and national origin – a premise that many civil rights leaders feel is not appropriate.

H.R. 2647 passed the U.S. House of Representatives with a vote of 281-146 and will now be sent to the President for his signature.