Simpson’s Water Diversions Bill Passes House
H.R. 2050 would authorize and permit existing historical water diversions in Idaho wilderness areas
Simpson’s Water Diversions Bill Passes House
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H.R. 2050 would authorize and permit existing historical water diversions in Idaho wilderness areas Simpson Votes to Protect Hunting and Fishing on Public Lands
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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported legislation protecting Americans’ ability to hunt, fish, and shoot on public lands. H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, would ensure that public land managers facilitate access for fishing, sport hunting, and recreational shooting on federal land managed by the BLM and Forest Service. Simpson, who chairs the House… Simpson Examines NPS Budget Priorities
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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson questioned the National Park Service about its budget request for FY2013. At the hearing of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, which Simpson chairs, he asked NPS Director Jon Jarvis about the Park Service’s ability to address the maintenance backlog across the national park system, restoration efforts on the National Mall,… Simpson Questions BLM Director on Sage Grouse, Grazing
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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson took issue with proposals to cut BLM range management funding in the President's FY13 budget request during a hearing on the BLM's budget proposal in the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee yesterday. Simpson chairs the subcommittee, which oversees BLM’s budget. In addition to expressing his concern about budget cuts to the… Simpson Talks Wolves, Invasive Species during Fish and Wildlife Budget Hearing
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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today questioned Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe regarding invasive species and wolves. The Director testified to the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, which Simpson chairs, regarding the agency’s FY13 budget request. “In Idaho it is difficult to think of the Fish and Wildlife Service without thinking first and… FOREST ROADS FIX INCLUDED IN MUST-PASS SPENDING BILL
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Simpson, Crapo, Risch, seek to overturn court decision that could cripple timber industry Simpson to Open Primitive-Access Wheelchair Trail
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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson will join Erik Schultz, Executive Director of the Arthur B. Schultz Foundation, and Ed Cannady, Recreation Technician for the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, in opening the Murdock Creek Trail on Thurs., Aug. 18 at 12:00 p.m. The Murdock Creek trail is a primitive-access wheelchair trail that is designed to maintain the character of wilderness while… Simpson’s Interior Appropriations Bill Approved by Committee
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The House Appropriations Committee today marked up the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2012. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, who chairs the Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, put forth a bill that responds to our nation’s fiscal crisis by cutting $2.1 billion from the current fiscal year’s level. The bill shifts the focus… Simpson Cuts EPA Budget, Reins in Regulatory Agenda
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Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee focuses on jobs, economic growth in FY2012 funding bill Browse Documents by Date or Issue |