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House Passes Health Care Cost Reduction Act

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Congressman Mike Simpson today supported passage of H.R. 436, the Health Care Cost Reduction Act, which passed in the House of Representatives 270-146.  Simpson is a cosponsor of the bill, which repeals a new 2.3% tax on medical devices such as coronary stents, hip implants, and parts for dialysis machines. The tax was included as a “pay-for” to cover the costs of President Obama’s…

Simpson Supports Tort Reform and IPAB Repeal Bill

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted for legislation to improve our nation’s healthcare delivery system and bring down the costs of healthcare.  H.R. 5, the Protecting Access to Healthcare (PATH) Act of 2011, would implement needed medical liability reforms and repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which was a part of President Obama’s 2010 healthcare…

House Repeals Flawed Obama Health Care Law Provision

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, joined his Republican colleagues in passing H.R. 1173, which repeals the flawed and now defunct Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS Act).  The bill passed 267 to 159. The CLASS program, a new entitlement program for long-term care insurance, was instituted as a part of President Obama’s health care bill, but has since been…

Simpson Votes to Defund Obama Health Care Law

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"The Democrats’ health care bill is wrong for our country,” said Simpson. “With 26 challenges to the law in various state courts, including Idaho, and the recent ruling in Florida finding the law unconstitutional, it doesn’t make sense to continue funding its implementation - especially considering the Supreme Court should ultimately strike it down. I have also supported full repeal and defunding the bill so that we can then begin passing smaller bills that enjoy bipartisan support and focus on bringing down costs for American healthcare consumers.”

Simpson Praises Florida Judge Ruling Obama’s Health Care Law is Unconstitutional

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“I strongly believe Obama’s health care law is the wrong direction for our nation and is unconstitutional,” said Congressman Mike Simpson. “I am pleased to see this court ruling, and I believe the House acted appropriately earlier this month by repealing the bill in its entirety so we can start over by passing smaller bills that enjoy bipartisan support and focus on bringing down costs for American healthcare consumers.”

House Votes to Repeal Democrats’ Health Care Law

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Idaho Congressmen Mike Simpson and Raul Labrador voted today in favor of H.R. 2, legislation repealing the Democrat’s health care law. The bill fully repeals President Obama’s health care reform bill that was signed into law last year. The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2 with a final vote of 245-189. Both Simpson and Labrador were original cosponsors of the bill.

Congressman Mike Simpson Lands Chairman of Interior Appropriations

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As Chairman, Congressman Simpson will be tasked with reducing spending levels that have grown out of control in recent years under Democrat control. In particular, he has his eyes set on the EPA, which has seen exponential growth in its budget since President Obama came into office. “The EPA is the scariest agency in the federal government, an agency run amok,” Simpson said. “Its bloated budget has allowed it to drastically expand its regulatory authority in a way that is hurting our economy and pushing an unwelcomed government further into the lives of Idahoans. As Chairman of this subcommittee, I look forward to bringing some common sense to the EPA and some certainty for our nation’s job creators.”