NCLB Reform Bill Introduced in the House
July 18, 2007
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined fellow House members in announcing the introduction of H.R. 2946, the State and Local Education Flexibility Act of 2007. Simpson is an original co-sponsor of the bipartisan bill that is sponsored by Nebraska Congressman Lee Terry.
“No Child Left Behind needs to be flexible. What may work in New York City may not work in Declo, Idaho,” said Simpson. “I’ve been successful in working with the Administration and Members of Congress to make common-sense improvements to this legislation and we need to continue with this principle.” When H.R. 2946 is enacted it will contain many new improvements to the existing law, while making significant enhancements to items in place. H.R. 2946 adds and ensures FLEXIBILITY to NCLB for schools, parents and children:
There will be many new improvements for No Child Left Behind including the ability to more accurately grade individual schools with A, B, C, D, or F rather than pass/fail. H.R. 2946 will also allow states the option to meet adequate yearly progress requirements by using the growth model to track individual student progress from grade to grade, rather than comparing one class of students against a previous class of different students each year. |