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Bills in Congress Aimed at Teachers, Classrooms

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson announced his co-sponsorship of two important pieces of legislation that will provide resources for school improvements and help school districts retain qualified teachers. The America’s Better Classroom Act (H.R. 2470) and the Teacher Tax Credit Act of 2007 (H.R. 2287) are both enjoying bipartisan support.
The Teacher Tax Credit Act of 2007 would provide a non-refundable tax credit to teachers and principals who work at school-wide Title I eligible schools. The legislation would help rural schools in Idaho hire and retain qualified teachers.
“It is difficult for rural school districts to retain qualified teachers,” said Simpson. “By offering a tax credit to these teachers, we hope to help these areas obtain and maintain necessary educators.”
The America’s Better Classrooms Act would help provide more than $25 billion in zero-interest school modernization bonds by providing tax credit to bond holders for the interest normally paid on a bond.
“Federally-funded tax credits would free up local funds for other education needs,” said Simpson. “For each $1,000 in school bonds, the State or Local school districts would benefit by about $500. Idaho would receive an estimated $93,409 in bond allocations.”
Both bills have been referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means, in addition, H.R. 2470 has also been referred to House Committee on Education and Labor.