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Simpson: A Voice for Education

Congressman Mike Simpson remains a constant voice for more flexibility to No Child Left Behind and continues to support TRiO programs for higher education.  

Congressman Simpson expressed his support for increasing education funding during a hearing in the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education this week.  He challenged Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, who testified at the hearing, to recognize the specific challenges facing rural schools.

“We can talk about increasing flexibility under No Child Left Behind until we are blue in the face, but for most of these rural schools there are no other options,” Simpson said. “We need to take a hard look at these requirements and provide rural schools with the necessary tools to help their students succeed.”

Simpson’s voice for education continued when he met with members from the Council for Opportunity.  He shared his support for increasing funding to the TRiO programs. “I believe that any student who wants it, should have an opportunity to go to college,” said Simpson. “Money should never be an obstacle to pursuing higher education.”

The TRiO Programs were created to support Congress’s commitment to providing education opportunities for all Americans regardless of race, ethic background, or economic circumstances. TRiO grants support low-income, first-generation college students and serve 7,500 Idahoans to succeed in high school and enter college programs each year. 

“Many low-income students face a multitude of obstacles when they consider furthering their education,” Simpson said. “If these students are the first in their families to pursue a college education, these challenges can seem insurmountable. The TRiO programs have a profound impact on the lives of these students.”