Simpson Cosponsors Bill to Increase Access for Fishermen and Hunters
October 8, 2009
“Idaho is known across the country as a great place to hunt and fish, and many Idahoans consider the opportunity to pursue these activities as one of the best things about living in our state,” said Simpson. “Public lands offer outdoor sportsmen and women the chance to hunt, fish, and shoot in many of Idaho’s most beautiful wild places, and I want to ensure that they continue to have access to these areas.”
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson cosponsored H.R. 3749, that recognizes the heritage of recreational fishing, hunting, and shooting on federal public lands and ensures continued opportunities for these activities. Simpson is the Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Environment that provides funding for the Department of Interior. “Idaho is known across the country as a great place to hunt and fish, and many Idahoans consider the opportunity to pursue these activities as one of the best things about living in our state,” said Simpson. “Public lands offer outdoor sportsmen and women the chance to hunt, fish, and shoot in many of Idaho’s most beautiful wild places, and I want to ensure that they continue to have access to these areas.” The legislation directs the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, the agencies that oversee most of our public lands, to provide for and promote sportsmen’s use and access in their land management plans. “Another area of concern that sportsmen face is limited areas for recreational shooting,” said Simpson. “This bill removes impediments so that land managers can choose to designate specific areas specifically for recreational shooting. I believe that writing these protections into law will help to ensure our sportsmen have continued access” Other provisions in H.R. 3749: • Requires that all federal public land planning evaluates the effects of management alternatives on sportsmen’s activities, providing a clear and informed picture of how proposed actions will affect the historic and traditional users. • Recognizes the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council and the Sporting Conservation Council as policy advisors to the Administration on issues relevant to the wildlife conservation and sportsmen’s communities. • Assures states’ authority to manage fish and wildlife on federal public lands. |