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Simpson Concerned about EPA’s Lack of Response to Climate-gate

"EPA’s public response to the so-called ‘Climate-gate’ issue is unsatisfactory at best," said Simpson. "Idahoans are frustrated that we are basing major, far-reaching policy changes and significant funding increases on scientific data that has been called into question, but their concerns are being summarily dismissed by the EPA, which simply claims that ‘the science is sound.’"

Congressman Simpson expressed concern that the Obama Administration remains reluctant to slow down implementation of greenhouse gas regulations in light of concerns about the legitimacy of climate change science.  On Wednesday, Simpson will have the opportunity to question EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson when she testifies before the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, of which Simpson is the Ranking Republican Member.

“EPA’s public response to the so-called ‘Climate-gate’ issue is unsatisfactory at best,” said Simpson.  “Idahoans are frustrated that we are basing major, far-reaching policy changes and significant funding increases on scientific data that has been called into question, but their concerns are being summarily dismissed by the EPA, which simply claims that ‘the science is sound.’”

In December, the EPA announced an endangerment finding regarding greenhouse gases, effectively giving the EPA authority to regulate all greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.  Last week, 16 separate court petitions were filed by three states, 13 House lawmakers, and various advocacy groups and think tanks challenging EPA’s finding.  Simpson is a cosponsor of H.R. 4572, legislation that would amend the Clean Air Act to clarify that it does not allow for regulation of greenhouse gases on the basis of global climate change.

“President Obama has committed to basing decisions on science, not politics, and to have a ‘more transparent and open government,’” said Simpson.  “Now instead of stepping back and asking, ‘Okay, what do the facts really say and how should we respond accordingly?’ the Administration is ignoring legitimate concerns and is continuing to push through new regulations that are extremely damaging to our economy.”