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Simpson Joins House Beef Caucus

“House caucuses are often bipartisan and are a great mechanism for bringing awareness to important issues,” said Simpson. “The U.S. cattle industry faces many challenges, and Congress needs to be better informed of their issues in order to make better decisions. I’m hopeful this caucus will help address these concerns.”

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is a member of the newly re-formed Congressional Caucus on Beef. The House Beef Caucus will elevate awareness of issues that impact the beef and cattle industry in order to better educate and inform members of the House and their staff about cattle and beef production in the United States.

“House caucuses are often bipartisan and are a great mechanism for bringing awareness to important issues,” said Simpson. “The U.S. cattle industry faces many challenges, and Congress needs to be better informed of their issues in order to make better decisions. I’m hopeful this caucus will help address these concerns.”

The U.S. beef industry faces a wide range of challenges, including international trade, animal health, food safety, environment, conservation, and economic viability. The House Beef Caucus will provide the opportunity to speak as a collective voice about the importance ranching plays in our country and will utilize opportunities in Congress to help ranchers succeed.