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Simpson Joins Bipartisan Congressional Dairy Caucus

“Idaho Dairymen and their counterparts across the nation face unique challenges,” said Simpson. “Producers are facing fluctuating prices, growing input costs, increasingly onerous regulations, and changes in international trade policy that combine to create a very difficult business climate. Congress has enormous influence over many of these issues, and it is important that those of us who represent dairy producers have a forum in which we can come together to learn, listen, and lead."
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today announced his membership in the bipartisan Congressional Dairy Farmer Caucus for the 112th Congress in order to provide a forum for members and staff to meet with policy makers, organizations, and industry leaders that impact dairy farmers.
“Idaho Dairymen and their counterparts across the nation face unique challenges,” said Simpson. “Producers are facing fluctuating prices, growing input costs, increasingly onerous regulations, and changes in international trade policy that combine to create a very difficult business climate. Congress has enormous influence over many of these issues, and it is important that those of us who represent dairy producers have a forum in which we can come together to learn, listen, and lead."
America’s dairy industry supports over one million full-time jobs and generates approximately $140 billion in economic activity.  The American dairy industry is an integral component of our national and local economies; it is undeniably the foundation of many of the rural communities in Idaho and across the country.
"I hope we can grow the membership of this caucus and its influence over federal agriculture, tax, and regulatory policy in a way that is positive for rural America," said Simpson. "I look forward to sharing the stories and recommendations of Idaho dairy producers with my caucus colleagues in the coming weeks and months."