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Simpson Co-Chairs Sugar Caucus and Joins Specialty Crops Caucus

Bi-Partisan congressional caucuses build coalitions for ag commodities by educating Members and staff about issues impacting the industries

Bi-Partisan congressional caucuses build coalitions for ag commodities by educating Members and staff about issues impacting the industries

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson will once again serve as a Co-Chairman of the House Sugar Caucus, and he has also joined the House Specialty Crop Caucus. Both organizations serve as informal groups providing a forum for Members and staff to discuss issues affecting both the domestic sugar industry and specialty crops.

“Idaho is the third-largest producer of sugarbeets in the United States, and it is critical to stay on top of issues that may impact the industry,” said Simpson. “I look forward to working with Members on both sides of the aisle in order to create a productive dialog that pertains to domestic sugar.”

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) will serve as the other Co-Chairman for the House Sugar Caucus, and other members include:  Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Rep. Jim Costa, Rep. Grace Napolitano, Rep. Bob Filner, Rep. Mazie Hirono, Rep. Cedric Richmond, Rep. Jeff Landry, Rep. Rodney Alexander, Rep. Bill Cassidy, Rep. Charles Boustany, Rep. Dave Camp, Rep. Dale Kildee, Rep. Candice Miller, Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Dennis Rehberg, Rep. Adrian Smith, Rep. Eliot Engel, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Rep. Kurt Schrader, Rep. Greg Walden, Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, and Rep. Cynthia Lummis.

The specialty crops industry supports tens of thousands of jobs nationwide and helps sustain hundreds of rural community economies. Specialty crops also make up a large portion of Idaho’s agriculture industry. Some of the largest specialty crops produced in Idaho include potatoes, dry edible beans, onions, apples, mint, nursery stock, and vegetable seed.

“American farmers grow high quality, safe fruits and vegetables that are enjoyed both domestically and worldwide,” said Simpson. “Our specialty crop growers face challenges similar to other agriculture sectors, such as business trade and labor policies. It is important to form ag caucuses in order to share information, develop policy strategies for efforts impacting specialty crops, and coordinate our efforts to represent our constituencies.”

Congressman Doc Hastings and Congressman Dennis Cardoza will serve as the Co-Chairs of the House Specialty Crops Caucus and other members include: Rep. Steve Southerland, Rep. Michael Michaud, Rep. Pete DeFazio, Rep. Kurt Schrader, Rep. Rick Larsen, Rep. Jim Costa, Rep. Jeff Denham, Rep. Jean Schmidt, Rep. Alcee Hastings, Rep. Vern Buchanan, Rep. Greg Walden, Rep. Bill Owens, Rep. Gregorio Sablan, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and Rep. Bill Huizenga.