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Simpson: Congress Enacts Laws – Not the EPA

House passes legislation preventing EPA from issuing GHG regulations

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported legislation to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from issuing harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations.  H.R. 3826, the Electricity Security and Affordability Act, would provide guidance to the EPA on its proposed GHG emissions regulations to ensure that any new regulations are reasonably achievable and economically viable.  Simpson, who chairs the House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee, joined a majority of the House in passing the bill by a vote of 229-183.

“The Obama Administration clearly wants to use its regulatory agenda to end coal-fired power generation in this country, but that is a pipe dream—coal makes up 40% of our nation’s energy supply, a number that is not likely to significantly decrease in the decades to come,” said Simpson.  “That’s why Congress rejected legislatively regulating GHG back in 2009, and why the EPA keeps delaying its radical regulatory proposals.  These proposals would dramatically increase the cost of energy and force consumers to foot the bill.”

H.R. 3826 would require the EPA to establish separate GHG standards for natural gas and coal-fired plants, and it would ensure that any standards for coal-fire plants are based on proven technology and achievable emissions reduction goals.  The bill would also repeal EPA’s proposed rules for new power plants.

“One of my biggest concerns with the EPA’s GHG proposals is that they depend on unproven—or in some cases non-existent—technology to achieve reductions in emissions.  In many cases these technologies are cost prohibitive, and of course the ultimate end of these regulations would be to eliminate coal-generated electricity all-together.  That’s just not realistic,” said Simpson.  “Instead, we need to continue working to develop technologies to produce cleaner coal energy, as well as clean, alternative fuels.  Achieving sustainable energy independence will require looking at all the options, including renewable energy, nuclear energy, and cleaner traditional energy sources.”

“And I strongly believe,” Simpson added, “that Congress is the appropriate venue for this debate.  That’s why I support efforts like H.R. 3826, which impose reasonable guidelines on the Obama Administration’s regulatory agenda.”