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Simpson Language Keeps Sheep Station Open

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today praised the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee’s decision to preserve ARS research programs including those at the U.S. Sheep Experimental Station (USSES) in Dubois, Idaho.  Simpson, who requested the language in the FY16 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, is working with other western representatives to support the USSES. 

 “I was disappointed when USDA attempted to close USSES last year and failed to provide prior notice to Congress and the sheep industry,” said Simpson. “I am very pleased this appropriations bill includes language that maintains the mission at Dubois. Because of its location and expertise, staff at the Dubois station are working on unique issues, including research on the domestic-wildlife interface that is vital to the sheep industry’s future.”

Congressman Simpson has worked closely with USDA, University of Idaho, and members of the sheep industry throughout the process to ensure the long-term viability of the USSES and the economic activity it generates in the area.

After the committee meeting Simpson said, “The bill passed out of committee today recognizes the station’s valuable work and is an important step towards ensuring the stakeholders and ARS come together to work on a viable, long-term future for USSES.”

The Agriculture Appropriations bill was passed by the House Appropriations Committee on a voice vote.