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Simpson Works to Prevent Implementation of EPA Water Rule

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson has cosponsored a resolution intended to stop the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from implementing the Obama Administration’s controversial Clean Water Rule.  In spite of widespread opposition in Congress and among the public, in June the Administration implemented a new rule broadly expanding its jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act.  H.J.Res. 59 would use the Congressional Review Act to prevent the rule from being enacted and bring the agency’s actions back in line with congressional intent.  The resolution comes at the same time that a federal appeals court has put implementation of the rule on hold.

“The EPA continues marching down a path of issuing one onerous federal regulation after another without regard for public opinion or the impact that these regulations have on the states and on farmers and ranchers,” said Simpson.  “I have continually joined a majority of the House of Representatives in expressing my concern about this rule, and so it’s no surprise that I support utilizing the Congressional Review Act, which guards against federal agencies imposing economically burdensome regulations, to prevent this harmful rule from going into effect.”

Simpson added, “I’m also encouraged by the court’s decision to put a hold on the nationwide implementation of this rule.  There are real problems with the way the EPA has claimed jurisdiction over state-regulated waters, and this rule will have a devastating impact on Idaho if it is allowed to move forward.  That is why I will continue working to prevent it from taking effect.”

Simpson is the Chairman of the House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees the Corps of Engineers’ budget.  He also sits on the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees the budget of the EPA.