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Simpson Slams EPA Use of Taxpayer Funds

Joins 145 Members of Congress in sending a letter to EPA expressing concern over federally funded advocacy campaign

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined a bipartisan group of Members of Congress in sending a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) top official expressing extreme concerns with the use of federal funding for advocacy and lobbying efforts.  EPA funds were recently linked to an advocacy project in Washington State.

“As an Idahoan I fully expect to have differences with the EPA regarding policy,” said Simpson. “But one thing that we should always agree on is the law and these advocacy campaigns clearly violate appropriate uses of federal resources. I will continue to use my seat in Congress to rein in the EPA whether it is overreaching regulations, or in this case improper use of taxpayer funds.”

Federal law prohibits appropriations for the use of publicity or propaganda purposes not approved by Congress. This new revelation comes on the heels of a December 2015 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report that found EPA committed violations on advocacy campaigns supporting the agencies Waters of the United States regulation.

The cosigners of the letter also signaled their support for Senators Jim Inhofe and Pat Robert’s efforts requesting an EPA Office of Inspector General Report official audit and investigation into advocacy efforts and grant management. The full letter can be viewed here.