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Simpson Applauds Secretary Zinke for Craters of the Moon Decision

Idaho Congressman applauds U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke for his announcement today that Craters of the Moon National Monument is no longer under review. Further, the Secretary will recommend that no modifications should be made to the monument.

“I applaud Secretary Zinke for honoring the local consensus Idahoans have created with Craters of the Moon,” said Congressman Simpson. “I worked with a diverse group of stakeholders over ten years ago to ensure Craters reflects Idaho values and can be enjoyed by outdoor enthusiasts. I know Secretary Zinke shares these values and I thank him for his leadership.”

In a press release issued by Secretary Zinke he said, “As a former geologist, I realize Craters of the Moon is a living timeline of the geologic history of our land on the Great Rift. Whether it’s hiking up the alien-like lava flows along the Spatter Cones, or just driving through the scenic loop, there’s a lot to see and learn at this historic location.”

Craters of the Moon National Monument was under review in accordance with President Trump’s April 26, 2017, executive order. Secretary Zinke’s recommendation comes after review of public comments and conversations with stakeholders.