Simpson Stands up for Wheat, Barley, and DairyEncourages White House and USDA to include Idaho in trade assistance mitigation
May 21, 2019
Washington, D.C. - Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson sent two letters to the White House and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) encouraging consideration of wheat, barley, and dairy in future trade mitigation assistance packages. The letters come at a pivotal time as the White House and USDA are considering a second trade assistance mitigation package. “I have talked to farmers throughout Idaho and I understand the hardships they are facing on trade,” said Congressman Simpson. “I also know that they would greatly prefer to compete in a fair global marketplace, but that just isn’t the current reality. That is why I support the White House and USDA including Idaho products in any trade mitigation assistance that have seen significant losses due to market uncertainty.” Congressman Simpson joined the bipartisan House Dairy Caucus in sending a letter Secretary Perdue stressing the importance of including adequate dairy support in a trade assistance mitigation package. Congressman Simpson also sent a letter to Secretary Perdue which was delivered to the White House urging the inclusion of wheat and barley in a trade mitigation assistance package following the recent price drop in both commodities.