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Simpson Cosponsors Bill to Boost American Energy Independence and Cut Off Russia

Simpson Cosponsors Bill to Boost American Energy Independence and Cut Off Russia

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today cosponsored H.R. 6858, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act. 

“This is an important bill that I hope receives immediate consideration on the House floor,” said Simpson.  “The United States has vast domestic energy resources that remain untapped.  Americans do not want to line President Putin’s war chest by relying on Russia for our energy needs, and as much as we all want to move to clean and green energy, those sources are not available in the quantities that we need them today.”

The American Energy Independence from Russia Act would immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, unleash U.S. LNG exports to boost natural gas production, and restart oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters.

“This bill not only strengthens the American economy and promotes our national security, but it also shuts down one of Putin’s major income streams.  It is unthinkable that we would not take these commonsense actions as part of the United States’ effort to stop Putin and his egregious war on Ukraine.” 
