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Simpson Tells Biden Administration to Leave WOTUS Alone

Simpson Tells Biden Administration to Leave WOTUS Alone

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined 200 of his colleagues in sending a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan and Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Michael Connor urging that efforts to redefine the definition of waters protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA), specifically “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS), be halted until after the Supreme Court hears a case that is expected to have major implications on CWA scope and enforcement.

“It has been seven years since the Obama Administration wrongly tried to vastly expand federal jurisdiction over our waterways, trying to regulate dry channels and other intrastate non-navigable waters,” said Simpson.  “I, along with my Republican colleagues, successfully blocked that effort, and now the Biden Administration is at it again, despite the Supreme Court announcing that it will take up a case on the WOTUS definition.” 

On June 9, 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) announced their intent to revise the definition of “waters of the United States,” (WOTUS).  Any decision by the Supreme Court on the WOTUS definition will have profound impacts on the Agencies’ rulemaking process.

“EPA and the Corps should not be wasting time and taxpayer dollars rewriting a rule that is about to be reviewed by the Supreme Court,” said Simpson.  “If they move forward with this rulemaking process, the only thing they will do is create more confusion and uncertainty.  States like Idaho that already have in place strong environmental protections do not need additional federal “help” on something they are currently managing appropriately.”

Click HERE to see the full letter and list of signers.
