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Simpson Champions Roberts Wastewater Improvement Project in FY23 Omnibus

Simpson Champions Roberts Wastewater Improvement Project in FY23 Omnibus

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today highlighted the inclusion of the sewer line improvement project in Roberts, Idaho in the FY23 Omnibus package that was signed into law on December 29, 2022.

The project was included in the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill at Congressman Simpson’s request through Community Project Funding (CPF).

“This project in Roberts is a perfect example of how Community Project Funding benefits the taxpayers and communities of Idaho.  CPFs do not bloat federal spending—they give Idahoans an important voice in determining where federal funds are spent.  Rather than letting budgeted funds go to another state or to a Biden-controlled agency to spend at its discretion, CPF requests can be made for worthy projects in local communities where funding is urgently needed,” said Simpson.

The $2 million in funding is designated to the City of Roberts to make construction updates to its failing sewer lines.  The City of Roberts’ sewer collection system is made up of 2.7 miles of asbestos concrete pipe and was installed in 1969, however, some of the sewer lines are failing and causing a critical public health concern.  The improvements to the city’s sewer collection system will help ensure that sewage is not leaking into the ground water and will prevent the backups that are occurring in citizens’ homes.

“The sewer situation in Roberts is becoming desperate, as the current system is failing at multiple points and raw sewage has been backing up into people’s homes,” said Simpson.  “This funding will help the community address these major health and safety risks to residents without having to impose an unsustainable tax burden on residents and businesses.”

“The city of Roberts is very grateful for the funding from the Congressional STAG grant championed by Congressman Simpson.  The Congressman’s concern for the needs of our community will help us complete a crucial wastewater collection improvement project that we would be unable to complete otherwise,” said Roberts Mayor B.J. Berlin.  “Thank you to Congressman Simpson and his staff for helping our great little city of Roberts, Idaho!”

“On behalf of the Roberts City Council, I would like to express our appreciation to Congressman Simpson for his leadership in securing funding for our much-needed upgrade to the wastewater system.  The STAG grant will ensure that our city can continue to provide dependable service to our current residents and meet the anticipated growth we are experiencing here in Southeast Idaho.  Thank you, Congressman Simpson, and your staff, for your support of our city and all citizens of Southeastern Idaho,” said Benjamin Poston, Roberts City Council President.
