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Rep. Simpson Cosponsors Guard VA Benefits Act

 WASHINGTON— Last week, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson cosponsored the Guard VA Benefits Act. This legislation would penalize unaccredited entities for charging unauthorized fees for “helping” an individual who served in uniform file a disability claim.  

“Ensuring our Veterans and their families receive the support they need and deserve is a top priority of mine. It is deeply disappointing that people purposefully cheat our nation’s veterans out of their benefits,” said Rep. Simpson. “These greedy individuals and practices who disrupt this process are shameful and un-American. The Guard VA Benefits Act protects our veterans and holds those predators accountable.” 

Current law prohibits unaccredited individuals and businesses from charging a fee for assisting a veteran in the preparation, presentation, or prosecution of a VA benefit claim. However, the VA and other federal agencies are limited in their ability to enforce the law because criminal penalties were eliminated from the statute nearly 20 years ago. 

The full text of the bill is available here.