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Rep. Simpson’s Statement on Speaker Vote

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson issued the following statement regarding his vote of support for Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) to serve as the 56th United States House of Representatives Speaker.  

"Congressman Johnson is a principled conservative who will put our country’s best interests first," said Rep. Simpson. "I had the opportunity to speak with Speaker Johnson this morning about critical issues facing Idaho, including the importance of solving our agricultural workforce crisis and passing appropriations bills to avoid a government shutdown. I am confident Speaker Johnson will work with all members of our party to pass our single-subject spending bills and bring legislation to the floor that will advance Idaho priorities in Congress. I was proud to cast my vote in support of Speaker Johnson, and I look forward to working with him to get the House of Representatives back to work on behalf of the American people."

Speaker Johnson won with a vote of 220-209. Rep. Simpson voted for Rep. Johnson on the House floor.