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Rep. Simpson Joins Letter Urging Biden to End Transition to Electric Vehicles

WASHINGTON— Last week, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined a letter urging President Biden and his administration to withdraw the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule entitled “Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles,” which would require 67% of new light-duty vehicles and 46% of medium-duty vehicles to be electric by 2032. This letter is led by Congressman Randy Feenstra (R-IA) and Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) and signed by nearly 140 Representatives and Senators.

“The Biden administration’s radical electric vehicle policies are driving up consumer costs, hurting American jobs, and emboldening China,” said Rep. Simpson. “This kind of heavy-handed government intervention sets a dangerous and costly precedent, and it leaves the American people footing the bill. As Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, I was proud to author a bill that blocked this ridiculous mandate. I will continue to push back against this administration’s rush to electrify vehicles.”

“President Biden has made his intentions clear. He would rather force American families – who are already facing financial hardship under the weight of inflation spurred by trillions in wasteful government spending – to buy electric vehicles to advance his Green New Deal agenda than allow folks to choose the best car or truck for their families, businesses, and farms at an affordable price. This misguided decision also strengthens China while weakening our economy because the critical materials needed to manufacture electric vehicles are primarily sourced from China,” said Rep. Feenstra. “Alongside Senator Mike Crapo, I’m proud to lead nearly 140 of my colleagues in urging President Biden to withdraw the proposed rule that would attempt to replace liquid fuels and combustion engines with unreliable and unaffordable electric vehicles. We witnessed people stranded in the cold waiting for their electric vehicle to charge or venturing through winter storms to find a charging station, further highlighting that mandating electric vehicles nationwide is ridiculous. The Biden administration’s radical policies have consequences, and the American people repeatedly pay the price for its costly mandates and red tape. I encourage President Biden to rescind this proposed rule immediately and work with Republicans to lower costs for our families, farmers, and small businesses.” 

“Consequences of rules and regulations driven by the Biden Administration’s radical green agenda drastically reduce consumer choice and the affordability of vehicles available to Americans,” said Sen. Crapo. “Americans deserve access to affordable, reliable vehicles fueled by American-made energy products, not those primarily supplied by China.”

Rep. Simpson has been a strong opponent against the Biden administration’s radical EPA policies. As Chairman of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Subcommittee, Rep. Simpson recently authored language in his Fiscal Year 2024 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill that blocks this rule. This bill passed the House of Representatives in November.

The full letter is available here.