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Rep. Simpson Reaffirms Commitment to Pro-Life Movement

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted in favor of H.R.21 - the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This legislation protects infants who survive an attempted abortion to ensure they receive the same care as any other newborn.

“The right to life—the most fundamental human right—must be protected and upheld. I was proud to support legislation that reaffirms that commitment by ensuring life-saving care for defenseless babies who were born alive. Throughout my time in Congress, I have consistently supported pro-life policies and worked to protect the most vulnerable among us. This bill will protect the most basic and inherent human right to life—a cause I will always lend my support to,” said Rep. Simpson, an original cosponsor of this bill.

Rep. Simpson recently received an A+ on the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s 118th Congress scorecard.

Additionally, this week, Rep. Simpson cosponsored H.R.7 – the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2025. This bill would prevent all federal funds from being used to pay for abortion or health benefits that include abortion. 

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act passed with a vote of 217-204. The full text of the bill is available here.