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Reps. Simpson and Kelly Reintroduce Bipartisan Reauthorization of Action for Dental Health Act

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson and Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02) introduced the bipartisan Action for Dental Health Act for reauthorization. This bill will continue support to organizations that provide oral health care to underserved populations, especially seniors and children living in rural communities.

“Since its implementation, the Action for Dental Health Act has made a meaningful difference in expanding access to oral health care in communities across the United States,” said Rep. Simpson. “Reauthorizing this critical legislation is essential to breaking down barriers to oral care, promoting disease prevention, and improving oral health education. As co-chair of the Oral Health Caucus, I am proud to join Congresswoman Kelly in reintroducing this bipartisan bill and deeply appreciate her leadership on this issue. I look forward to getting this important bill across the finish line and sending it to President Trump's desk.”

“Dental health is oftentimes an indication of overall health, which is why it’s critical that people have access to reliable oral healthcare,” said Rep. Kelly. “I am proud to lead this bipartisan effort with my colleague, who’s also a dentist, for the third time to reduce healthcare costs for hardworking families.”

“The Action for Dental Health Act is crucial for dental disease prevention, oral health education, workforce development and improved access to care. I want to thank Rep. Kelly and Rep. Simpson for their ongoing commitment to improving oral health,” said Brett H. Kessler, D.D.S., President of the American Dental Association. “Reauthorizing this vital program extends the important work of tackling the access challenges faced by many Americans while advancing the important goal of decreasing dental health disparities in our rural and underserved areas where better access to care is critical. The nation’s dentists are happy to support this important legislation to ensure there is sufficient dental workforce who are ready to meet this country’s oral health care needs.”