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Simpson Opposes EPA Efforts to Regulate Dust

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to refrain from increasing the regulatory burden on rural and agricultural communities. Simpson recently joined colleagues in expressing concern to EPA Administrator Jackson about efforts to increase regulation of dust, which would have an enormous impact on farms and other resource-based industries in the West. The EPA recently published its latest proposal for regulating particulate matter under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, including dust that is kicked up by livestock or results from corn being combi... Read More »

Simpson Opposes Government Spending Bill

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson issued the following statement following his vote against H.R. 3081, the Appropriations Continuing Resolution, which will fund the government from the start of the fiscal year, Oct. 1, 2010 thru Dec. 3, 2010. The House of Representatives passed the resolution late last night with a final vote of 228-194. “I cannot support any piece of legislation that locks in place for the next fiscal year the unsustainable spending levels of the past fiscal year,” said Simpson, a member of the House Budget Committee. “Virtually everyone in America knows that Congress has to cut... Read More »

Simpson Opposes Efforts to Ban Lead in Fishing Tackle

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today joined his colleagues in sending a letter to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson opposing efforts to ban the use of lead in fishing products. The letter, signed by 77 Members of Congress, accompanies a letter from leading hunting, fishing, and conservation organizations pointing out that there is no scientific basis to warrant a ban on traditional fishing equipment. “There is simply no data to support a ban on traditional fishing tackle and no reason for the EPA to restrict people’s ability to take advantage of the great fishing oppor... Read More »

Health care bill offers no help for small businesses

The Democrats’ health care bill claims to help small businesses provide health insurance to their employees, but this chart clearly shows that it does not. As the chart shows, the requirements to qualify for the tax credit are so confusing that they are almost impossible to decipher. The requirements are so restrictive that, to qualify, many small businesses would have to lay off employees first. This provision does little to help small businesses pay for the cost of providing health insurance for their workers. Instead of passing health reform that does little to make healthcare more affordab... Read More »

Pelosi will stop at nothing to pass her health care bill

Yesterday, I opposed the health care reconciliation bill that came before the House Budget Committee. Last night’s late-night markup was the very first step in the health care reconciliation process, which will allow Senate Democrats to pass the bill with only 51 votes, rather than 60. Unfortunately, it was not a forum for any minority views to be included, but rather it was just one more ceremonial step that needed to be taken before Speaker Pelosi could ram the health care bill through Congress. The bill that the Committee marked-up was really a “Trojan horse” that provided nothing more than... Read More »

Brown Election - Simpson's reaction

“The election of Scott Brown, a republican in a state that is among the most liberal states in the nation, demonstrates that the American people are rejecting the extreme agenda being pushed by this Administration and the Democrat Leaders in Congress,” said Congressman Simpson. “This election proves that Americans want bipartisanship. They want a government that works together to solve problems not one that creates them.” Read More »

Mammogram Screening

As you may know, the 16-member U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently released new recommendations on mammograms. Their recommendations included raising the age to begin routine screening mammography from age 40 to age 50, moving from annual screening mammography for women aged 50 to 74 years to biennial screening, and no longer recommends screening mammography in women aged 75 and older. I am extremely concerned that these recommendations and new guidelines are designed more to control health spending than to improve the health of patients. I believe that all Americans should have acces... Read More »

Nancy's plan for national health care

Nancy Pelosi just introduced her new health reform bill, HR 3629, claiming that it is budget neutral and will allow Americans to get affordable access to health care. This argument is absurd and factually wrong. This bill will do nothing to make your health insurance cheaper. In fact it will accomplish the exact opposite. By increasing the number of government mandates, imposing new government regulations on insurance companies, and penalizing businesses and individuals who choose not to buy health insurance, your out-of-pocket costs will go up. And so will your taxes—because eventually we wil... Read More »

House Expected to Pass Bipartisan Legislation to Ease Unnecessary Regulations on Small Businesses

The House of Representatives is expected to pass bipartisan legislation this evening, introduced by Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, Congressman John Adler (D-NJ), and Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA), to help protect small businesses and small health care practices from overreaching federal regulations. The bill will exempt certain small businesses from the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) burdensome Red Flags Regulation, which would force them to develop and implement an unnecessary identity theft program. “It is obvious that physicians and dentists are not creditors, and they should not be forc... Read More »

Simpson: All Crimes are Hateful

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted against H.R. 2647, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 because it included a provision concerning hate crimes. “I believe that every potential victim deserves protection,” said Simpson. “When any heinous crime is committed, perpetrators should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes are hateful and a violent crime committed to ANY person should be treated the same, regardless of their race, color, religion, or sexual orientation.” The hate crime language that was inserted in H.R 2647 creates special classes o... Read More »