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About Speaker Pelosi demanding an additional apology from Rep. Wilson:

"Rep. Wilson has already apologized directly to President Obama and the President has accepted that apology. Speaker Pelosi’s insistence on seeking additional apologies has less to do with Rep. Wilson and more to do with her own attempts to undermine the arguments of those who oppose her health care agenda. I will strongly oppose her resolution attacking Rep. Wilson, believe it is entirely unnecessary, and call on her to move on to more important things.” Read More »

Simpson's statement concerning Idaho’s wolf hunt

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement concerning Idaho’s wolf hunt today, after meeting with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Sam Hamilton. “The judge’s decision to uphold Idaho’s wolf hunt was welcome news. In a conversation with Fish and Wildlife Service Director Sam Hamilton this morning, I again expressed my support for the decision to delist the wolves and put management in the hands of capable state agencies,” said Simpson. “Idaho’s hunters have acted responsibly and I want to commend them for doing so in the face of uninformed and undeserved criticism. I... Read More »

Boise City Club

Yesterday, I spoke to the Boise City Club with my seatmate, Congressman Walt Minnick. It was a Q & A forum and we answered a variety of questions. Several media outlets covered the story and I’ve provided the links below if you would like to learn more. Boise State Radio Idaho Statesman, Dan Popkey Idaho Statesman, Our View Boise Weekly Read More »

Wrong Healthcare Plan

When Congressional Democrats bring their healthcare reform legislation to the House floor, I will be voting NO and I want to take a few moments to explain why. Everyone agrees that our healthcare system needs to be reformed. Healthcare in America is too expensive and too many Idaho families are worried about losing or have already lost their health coverage. Businesses, small and large alike, are struggling to provide health insurance for their employees, and too many are being forced to ask employees to share the cost of higher premiums and co-payments in response. Regrettably, rather than wo... Read More »