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National Defense and Military

Simpson Joins Colleagues in requesting President to Seek Congressional Approval before taking action in Syria

| Posted in Op-eds

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joins fellow Members of Congress in signing a letter to the President of the United States regarding the use of military force in Syria. Members are requesting President Obama seek congressional authorization before ordering the use of U.S. military force. “I am very concerned about the consequences of engaging U.S. assets in another foreign conflict and…

Simpson Praises Passage of the FY2011 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill

| Posted in Press Releases

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, today praised the House passage of the Fiscal Year 2011 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill. “This bill provides critical funding for our nation’s veterans, and I am pleased to see that the House has approved this legislation in a timely manner,” said Simpson.  “Our veterans have…

Idaho Delegation Reacts to Idaho Guard Deployment

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“First and foremost, our thoughts are with the families whose loved ones will be deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are pleased that the Idaho National Guard will be providing family support training sessions to help prepare them for the deployment. We have always supported efforts to ensure our military men and women have the resources they need to carry out and complete their missions successfully. The 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team is home to some of the nation’s finest, and we know they are trained and prepared for their upcoming mission. We wish them success and look forward to welcoming each of them home.”

Simpson’s Response to President’s Request for Additional Troops in Afghanistan

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“First and foremost, we must support our troops,” said Simpson. “I am grateful that President Obama has finally made a decision about the Afghanistan troop surge. It appears remarkably similar to former President Bush’s decision to implement the troop surge in Iraq; a strategy that has ultimately brought us closer to victory and allowing our troops to return home."

Idaho Locations Named as Potential Home of F-35’s

| Posted in Press Releases

Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch and Congressmen Mike Simpson and Walt Minnick have notified commanders at Mountain Home Air Force Base and the Idaho Air National Guard they have both qualified as top five locations, in their respective categories, under consideration for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  The two locations are not competing against each other as Mountain Home Air…