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Simpson’s Response to President’s Request for Additional Troops in Afghanistan

“First and foremost, we must support our troops,” said Simpson. “I am grateful that President Obama has finally made a decision about the Afghanistan troop surge. It appears remarkably similar to former President Bush’s decision to implement the troop surge in Iraq; a strategy that has ultimately brought us closer to victory and allowing our troops to return home."

Tonight the President announced his desire to send 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement concerning this announcement:

“First and foremost, we must support our troops,” said Simpson. “I am grateful that President Obama has finally made a decision about the Afghanistan troop surge. It appears remarkably similar to former President Bush’s decision to implement the troop surge in Iraq; a strategy that has ultimately brought us closer to victory and allowing our troops to return home."

"I remain concerned that President Obama has established an artificial timeline for Afghanistan which may embolden our enemies, thus making victory in Afghanistan more difficult.”