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Public Lands and Natural Resources

Congress Should Have Say in National Monument Designations

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is advocating for continued access to recreation on public land, sending a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar regarding the use of the Antiquities Act. The letter followed up to a recent hearing by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment where Simpson addressed concern that was raised over a Department of Interior internal planning document that identified 17 potential sites for new or expanded national monument designation in the western United States under the Antiquities Act.

Simpson Sponsors Cabin Fee Fairness Legislation

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 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is an original cosponsor of legislation that would provide a reasonable, long-term solution for fees paid by owners of cabins on Forest Service land.  H.R. 4888, the Cabin Fee Act of 2010, would replace the existing flawed appraisal system for determining fees and establish a tiered yearly fee structure based on current appraisals and tied to inflation to…

Simpson Supports Domestic Energy Production

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson advocated for a comprehensive national energy policy today during a hearing with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. Salazar testified on the President’s FY2011 Department of Interior budget request before the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, of which Simpson is Ranking Member. Simpson is a strong supporter of an “all-of-the above” energy policy that will make our country energy independent.

Strickland Testifies before Interior Subcommittee

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson discussed the impact on Idaho of the recent sage-grouse decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with Interior Assistant Secretary Tom Strickland.  Strickland testified today before the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, of which Simpson is Ranking Republican Member, regarding the President’s FY 2011 budget request. Earlier…


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Noting that Interior’s ruling is now facing a court challenge, the Delegation and Governor said that Secretary Salazar is to be commended for his determination—and he should stand by his decision concerning sage grouse. “We need to ensure that our collective attention to this important issue does not wane or is overshadowed by inaction in the coming months,” the Idahoans wrote.

Simpson Discusses Western Land Management with BLM Director

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During the hearing, Simpson asked Director Abbey what the BLM is doing to address the significant backlog in grazing permits. Last week the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that sage-grouse is “warranted but precluded” from listing under the Endangered Species Act. Simpson expressed his concern that this decision would put an additional burden on the BLM, which is responsible for managing most of the current sage-grouse habitat, without providing additional resources for the agency to address its current backlog.

Simpson Reintroduces Bill to Empower Rural Communities Against EPA’s Enormous Grip

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“We’re not talking here about trying to reduce arsenic from 100 parts per billion to ten, we’re talking about communities having to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to reduce it by two parts per billion. It should be up to rural communities to determine if twelve parts per billion is acceptable for their drinking water, or if they should tax people out of their homes in order to try to obtain EPA’s arsenic standard of ten parts per billion,” said Simpson. “Nobody cares more about the safety of a community’s drinking water, or is more eager to do the right thing to protect it, than the people who live, work and raise families there.”

Simpson Advocates for Idaho with Forest Service Chief

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today shared an Idaho perspective when Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell testified at the Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee regarding the FY2011 Forest Service Budget request. Simpson is Ranking Member of the Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds the Forest Service.

Simpson Grills EPA Administrator on Clean Water Act Regulations

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“One thing I heard time and time again when I was home was the dramatic impact EPA is having on Idaho communities,” said Simpson.  “Mayors throughout our state are at their wit’s end trying to meet EPA’s standards under the Clean Water Act and are forced to make difficult and even impossible budget decisions to do so.  Some cities are so frustrated that they are prepared to hand EPA the keys to the city.  No agency should have this kind of control over local governments.”

Simpson Concerned about EPA’s Lack of Response to Climate-gate

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"EPA’s public response to the so-called ‘Climate-gate’ issue is unsatisfactory at best," said Simpson. "Idahoans are frustrated that we are basing major, far-reaching policy changes and significant funding increases on scientific data that has been called into question, but their concerns are being summarily dismissed by the EPA, which simply claims that ‘the science is sound.’"