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Public Lands and Natural Resources

Simpson Moves to Block Climate Change Regs

| Posted in Press Releases

“The EPA’s recent decision was a shot across Congress’s bow, telling us that if we don’t act quickly to pass sweeping, controversial climate change legislation, the EPA is going to do it for us,” Simpson said. “Unelected bureaucrats at EPA should not be allowed to circumvent the legislative process or override the will of the American people. It’s clear that we need to take action through H.R. 4572 to prevent them from doing so.”

Simpson Cosponsors Bill to Increase Access for Fishermen and Hunters

| Posted in Press Releases

“Idaho is known across the country as a great place to hunt and fish, and many Idahoans consider the opportunity to pursue these activities as one of the best things about living in our state,” said Simpson. “Public lands offer outdoor sportsmen and women the chance to hunt, fish, and shoot in many of Idaho’s most beautiful wild places, and I want to ensure that they continue to have access to these areas.”