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Simpson Supports House Continuing Resolution with Full Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Funding

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Idaho Congressman Simpson praised the strong passage of legislation to provide funding for veterans this week by a vote of 342-85.  H.R. 5325 also continues funding for all federal government operations at current levels through December 9, 2016.  H.R. 5325 includes the full year Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (VA) Appropriations bill that passed the House of…

Celebrating Independence with Thankful Hearts

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“Each year we have an opportunity to celebrate the 4th of July and remind ourselves of the sacrifices made on our behalf to secure our freedom and independence.  American history is filled with heroic and selfless acts made by men and women who have fought to defend our values and way of life.  Today we continue to witness bravery from those who selflessly serve and protect our…

Congressman Simpson Supports Funding for Veterans

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported passage of the fiscal year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill.  This bill provides funding to maintain military base infrastructure and to house, train, and equip military personnel, as well as other services for military families.  It also funds the medical care and benefits administered by the U.S.…

Simpson Votes to Boost Veterans Programs, Increase Efficiency at VA and DOD

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Tags: Veterans

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted in favor of H.R. 4486, the Fiscal Year 2015 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill. The annual funding bill, which funds the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), included an increase of $1.5 billion for veterans programs in FY15. “This bill includes the necessary funding that our veterans have earned through their…

Celebrating 25 Years of the GI Bill

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Tags: Veterans

“June 1, 2012, marks the 25th anniversary of the first permanent Department of Veterans Affairs-administered Montgomery GI Bill. Enacted in 1987, the landmark New GI Bill Continuation Act offered a life changing incentive for veterans returning from active duty to the workforce. By offering veterans access to higher education, it both strengthened our national defense and helped…

Simpson Supports Legislation to Honor Reserve Members and to Help Increase Employment Opportunities for Veterans

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Tags: Veterans

The U.S. House of Representatives passed several bills today dealing with veteran issues. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson supported legislation that will increase employment opportunities for veterans and legislation that will honor former National Guard and Reserve members as United States veterans. The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011, which would create or modify programs that…

Thank you Veterans

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Tags: Veterans

Today is Veterans Day, a day to honor American’s Veterans. Thank you for your service, for your patriotism, and for your sacrifice. God Bless You and God Bless America.