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Simpson Votes to Roll Back Flawed Obamacare Provisions

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson recently supported final passage of two bills that would repeal two of the most unpopular and onerous provisions in Obamacare. H.R. 160, the Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2015, and H.R. 1190, the Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act of 2015 were both passed by the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. The Protect Medical Innovation…

Simpson Supports Bipartisan Medicare Reform and Secure Rural Schools Package

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported H.R. 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.  It passed the House with strong support from both Republicans and Democrats by 392-37. The bill strengthens Medicare and ensures senior’s access to care by repealing the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) and replacing it with an updated system that will work better, and…

Simpson and Kelly Introduce Dental Health Bill

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, alongside Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02), has co-introduced H.R. 539, the ‘Action for Dental Health Act of 2015.’ This legislation will target relatively modest but crucial federal dollars to organizations to provide proven oral health care services in a manner that effectively addresses the barriers to dental care that people often face. Without…

Simpson’s Newborn Screening Bill Passes Congress and Heads to President’s Desk

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The House of Representatives has unanimously passed the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act, co-authored by Congressman Mike Simpson and Congresswoman Lucile Roybal-Allard (CA).  The bill will reauthorize newborn screening programs for five years while updating and building upon the landmark 2008 Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act first offered by Simpson and…

House Takes Action to Allow Americans to Keep Current Health Insurance Plans

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported passage of H.R. 3522, the Employee Health Care Protection Act.  This bill would allow employees to keep their work sponsored health plans by ensuring that existing group health plans can continue to be sold through 2019.  It passed the House 247 to 167. Last year, millions of plans in the individual insurance market were cancelled…

Simpson’s Newborn Screening Bill Passes House

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The House of Representatives has passed H.R. 1281, the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act, co-authored by Congressman Mike Simpson and Congresswoman Lucile Roybal-Allard (CA).  The bill would reauthorize programs for five years while updating and building upon the landmark 2008 Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act first offered by Simpson and Roybal-Allard. “I am so…

Obamacare Declares Full Time is 30-hours– Simpson joins House Colleagues to Preserve 40 Hour Work Week

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 Idaho Congressman Simpson today supported H.R. 2575, legislation to eliminate the language in Obamacare defining a full-time worker as someone who works more than 30-hours per week. The bill passed the House with a vote of 248 to 197. Congressman Simpson was a cosponsor of this legislation. The 30-hour work week language in Obamacare was apparently intended to prevent…

Simpson Supports Legislation to Curb Obama’s Executive Overreach and Restore Constitutional Balance of Powers

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Today the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4138, the “Executive Needs to Faithfully Oversee and Respect Congressional Enactments,” known as the ENFORCE the Law Act of 2014.  This legislation authorizes the House or Senate to sue the administration for failing to enforce federal law.  Idaho Congressman Simpson supported this legislation, which passed the House by a vote…

The Broken Promises of Obamacare

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 “If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period. End of Story.” “It turns out that wasn’t the end of the story. By now we all know this promise made by President Obama, repeated dozens of times in recent years, is not true.  It’s been called “the lie of the year.”  As Obamacare rolls out, Americans are learning it firsthand as cancellation letters…

Simpson Supports Exchange Enrollment Transparency Bill

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported H.R. 3362, the Exchange Information Disclosure Act, which passed 259-154. The bill requires the administration to submit to Congress weekly reports that detail a variety of Obamacare statistics that are currently not being released to the public. The report would include the number of visits to the website, the number of…