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Simpson Opposes Latest So-Called “Stimulus”

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Tags: Economy

“While Idaho families are struggling to make ends meet and one in ten Americans is out of work, the Democrats have been doing everything they can to kill jobs by imposing greater tax and regulatory burdens on our nation’s job creators,” said Simpson. “Businesses in Idaho have told me that they cannot afford to invest in job creation while Congress is debating costly and expensive healthcare reform, cap and trade, and other sweeping and burdensome regulatory reforms that will make it even more difficult for them to survive. Apparently the Democrats don’t realize the key connection between jobs and those who create them. Rather than looking for real solutions to our nation’s economic crisis, they are simply pouring money into old, failed policies.”

Simpson Moves to Block Obama’s TARP Raid

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Tags: Economy

“Republicans insisted that TARP include a number of taxpayer protections, including a requirement that any repaid funds be returned to the taxpayer to pay down the federal debt,” said Simpson. “Obviously those protections were necessary—now that companies are paying back the TARP payments they received and the taxpayer is making billions of dollars in interest, the Democrats are trying to turn the program from a one-time emergency measure to a permanent slush fund for growing government.”

Simpson Votes Against Permanent Death Tax

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Tags: Economy

“The bottom line is that H.R. 4154 would impose higher taxes on Idaho’s farmers, ranchers, and small businesses. In the best of times I can’t support increasing taxes on Idaho families, but at a time when unemployment is in the double digits, imposing a greater tax burden on our nation’s job creators is utterly irresponsible,” said Simpson.

Unemployment: We Need Real Solutions

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Tags: Economy

While Americans struggle to pay bills and keep food on the table, the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress continue to spend as if there were not record debts already on the books. While American jobs disintegrate they are working to ensure Khalid Sheikh Mohammed does not have his constitutional rights violated, and they continue to push a trillion-dollar plus health care government take-over and a cap-and-trade bill that will only further hamstring our economy.

Simpson Supports Passage of Small Business Bill

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“Although Republicans and Democrats unfortunately find little to agree on these days, we all agree that small businesses play an absolutely crucial role in our economy,” said Simpson. “They enhance innovation, enrich communities, provide jobs, and will lead the way out of this recession.”