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Simpson Votes to Prevent Overregulation of Farm Dust

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted to prevent any effort by EPA to regulate farm dust.  The House of Representatives passed H.R. 1633, the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011, by a vote of 268 -150.  Simpson, who chairs the House Appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over the EPA’s budget, is a cosponsor of this legislation. “Any effort by a federal…

Dairy Reform Needed by Congressman Mike Simpson

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    “Idaho’s dairy industry is the third largest in the country and significantly impacts the economy of our state.  Unfortunately, our dairy industry has suffered devastating losses in recent years due to escalating feed costs and plummeting milk prices, and federal dairy programs have proven unable to provide farmers with the tools to manage risk and succeed in volatile…

Simpson Prevents EPA Regulation of Manure

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson has lent his support to a measure to prevent livestock operations from becoming Superfund sites.  H.R. 2997, introduced by Representative Billy Long (R-MO), would ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not impose regulations intended to clean up hazardous waste sites to livestock operations.  Simpson chairs the House Interior…

Simpson Supports Time-Out for EPA Regulations

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“Like many Idahoans, I am deeply concerned that the EPA has drastically expanded its regulatory authority,” said Simpson. “By pumping out new regulations every week, the Obama Administration is using the EPA to force on the American people an extreme environmental agenda that is hurting our fragile economy.”

Chairman Mike Simpson’s Grazing Provisions Pass Appropriations Committee

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 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, moved the Interior and Environment Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2012 through committee today. The bill contains several provisions essential for preserving responsible access to public grazing and is expected to be considered by the full House within the next two weeks.…

School Lunch Programs Need Potatoes

| Posted in Op-eds

“Earlier this year, the USDA issued the proposed rule, “Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.”  This proposed rule would have forced schools to limit servings of potatoes, corn, green peas and lima beans. This drastic change to the school meal programs would have incurred significant costs to all school districts. Due to the radical changes…