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Simpson Cosponsors Resolution for House to Review Health Reform Bill for a Month Before Voting

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson cosponsored H. Res. 721 that calls on the House of Representatives to make completed health reform legislation available to members and the public for one month before it is brought up for a floor vote. The legislation was introduced by Congressman Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee.

“We know when Congress rushes legislation, especially large, expounding pieces of legislation, many mistakes are made,” said Simpson. “Once this bell is rung, it can not be undone. We MUST have a thoughtful, bipartisan discussion that yields a bill which includes common sense reforms, including tort reform, association health plans, deductibility of health insurance costs for individuals, and drug re-importation to name a few. One thing has been made abundantly clear, the American people do not want a public option and Congress has an obligation to listen to their constituents.”

The health reform legislation that is being considered in the House has been marked up by three separate committees, and there will likely be no formal hearings on the final version of the bill.  H.R. 3200 is already more than 1,000 pages long.

“This legislation will be one of the most far-reaching policy changes most members of Congress ever consider, and it is absolutely essential that we know every word and sentence before a vote is taken,” said Lewis.