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Simpson Reacts to President's Health Care Plan

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following response to President Obama’s speech concerning his health care plan.

“I agree with President Obama, our healthcare system needs to be reformed. However, the President and the Democratic Leadership have still not fully grasped the crystal clear message the American people sent Washington over August. They don’t want a government-run health care system under any circumstances. Given that clear message, and the dire fiscal situation of the federal government, there is simply no way this Congress should even consider such a dramatic shift in the way health care is delivered in the United States. Instead, Congress should slow down and consider more targeted reforms of the current system including tort reform, re-importation of prescription drugs, association health plans, deductibility of health insurance costs for individuals, and insurance competition across states lines. These reforms, and others like them, hold the real promise of gaining strong bi-partisan support while at the same time reducing health care costs and improving access and affordability of care to those who currently lack it.”