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REAL Health Care Reform - Options Better Than Pelosi’s Bill

We all agree that our current health system needs reform. I will be the first to admit that it is irresponsible to just say no to the current health legislation without offering a good alternative. I believe there are a number of measures all of us could support that will bring down health care costs for consumers and the American taxpayer while improving access to health care.

“Speaker Pelosi is pushing ahead on a health care bill that will implement a government takeover of our health care system and put Americans’ current health coverage at risk.  This bill does not reform our current health system, but instead creates another massive, unfunded entitlement program at a time when our country can least afford it.

“We all agree that our current health system needs reform. I will be the first to admit that it is irresponsible to just say no to the current health legislation without offering a good alternative. I believe there are a number of measures all of us could support that will bring down health care costs for consumers and the American taxpayer while improving access to health care.

“First, we must pass broad, effective medical malpractice reform. The Pelosi health bill claims to include incentives for states to implement “liability” reform, but in reality, states are only eligible if their laws do not limit attorneys’ fees or impose caps on damages. These limits mean that this provision would protect trial lawyers’ paychecks at the expense of patients and their doctors.  I am a cosponsor of legislation that would implement meaningful liability reform. HR 1086, the HEALTH Act, would end junk lawsuits by placing caps on noneconomic damages and limiting attorney fees.  This bill would save as much as $120 billion in wasteful spending by stemming the practice of defensive medicine.

“I also support HR 2607, the Small Business Healthcare Fairness Act, which would allow small businesses to band together through associations to buy health care coverage. Large corporations and even labor unions already leverage their size and buying power to secure lower premiums and rates when buying health insurance for their employees and members. This bill would give America’s small businesses the same advantages and make health care coverage for their employees more affordable.

“I believe we should allow cross-state purchasing of health insurance. Under the current system, the insurance market operates like 50 individual fiefdoms with each state in charge of insurance regulation and individuals limited to buying health insurance from local insurance providers.  Allowing purchasing of insurance across state lines would increase competition in the insurance market as individuals would have more affordable health insurance options and end the monopolies that exist in many states. 

“In addition, I support reforms that would prohibit insurers from denying coverage to people because of pre-existing conditions. I also believe that we need to do more as a country to focus on prevention and early intervention. I a strong supporter of prescription drug re-importation as well.  I am a cosponsor of HR 1298, the Pharmaceutical Market Access and Drug Safety Act of 2009, which would allow Americans to buy FDA-approved prescription drugs from places such as Canada and Europe.  It is time that we take measures to control spiraling prescription drug costs, and this measure would prevent drug companies from charging Americans more than the rest of the world pays.
“These are just a few of examples of reforms we could implement that would bring down the cost of health care for all Americans. The Republicans in the House have a plan that would make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans without adding trillions to the deficit and putting our nation’s long-term fiscal health at risk.

“Americans need and deserve REAL health reform.  Now is the time to stand up and demand it.”