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Simpson Applauds C-SPAN’s Request for Public Health Care Meetings

“As elected officials, we are here to represent the best interests of the American public. It is only right that we are ALL informed about negotiations to a bill that will fundamentally change our healthcare system,” said Simpson. “If this bill is really what the American people want, as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would like us to believe, then why keep it a secret?”

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson applauds House Republican Leader John Boehner in endorsing a request from the head of C-SPAN that the public have full access to health care negotiations.  Currently, Democratic leaders are planning to shut out the American people by writing a final bill behind closed doors.

“As elected officials, we are here to represent the best interests of the American public.  It is only right that we are ALL informed about negotiations to a bill that will fundamentally change our healthcare system,” said Simpson. “If this bill is really what the American people want, as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would like us to believe, then why keep it a secret?”

Simpson is also a cosponsor of H.Res. 544. This bipartisan resolution amends House rules in order to guarantee that all Members of Congress and the American public can easily access, via the Internet, complete legislation and conference reports at least 72 hours before they are considered on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays unless the House is in session on such a day.

“This is not a new concept.  Rather, it is one that we’ve been advocating for years,” said Simpson. “Americans deserve to know what these new laws actually contain and how they will impact their lives. They are demanding more transparency, and it is our responsibility to deliver.”