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Pelosi will stop at nothing to pass her health care bill

Yesterday, I opposed the health care reconciliation bill that came before the House Budget Committee.  Last night’s late-night markup was the very first step in the health care reconciliation process, which will allow Senate Democrats to pass the bill with only 51 votes, rather than 60. Unfortunately, it was not a forum for any minority views to be included, but rather it was just one more ceremonial step that needed to be taken before Speaker Pelosi could ram the health care bill through Congress. 

The bill that the Committee marked-up was really a “Trojan horse” that provided nothing more than a vehicle to pass the health care bill.  After passing out of the Budget Committee, it will be completely replaced with the bill that is currently being written in the privacy of the Speaker’s office.  No one will know what is in this bill until shortly before a vote.

I also woke up this morning to a piece of news that surprised me, and probably every Member of Congress, including many of my Democratic colleagues.  It now appears that Speaker Pelosi plans to pass the wildly unpopular Senate bill (including the “Cornhusker Kickback,” “Louisiana Purchase” and “Gator-aid”) through the House with a rarely used obscure rule that will prevent Members from having to actually vote on it.  Her strategy is to help Democrats stay off the record in their support of this bill, but still have the process move forward. 

Quite frankly, I am disappointed, but not surprised by these actions.  I don’t believe that the American people want their Congress to work in deceiving, secretive ways.  They want and deserve an open and transparent process.