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Simpson Cosponsors Health Care Repeal

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today cosponsored the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.  This bill would fully repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 that were signed into law last year. The U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote on this bill as early as next week.

“The Democrats’ healthcare bill is wrong for our country,” said Simpson. “I strongly believe the best thing we could do is to repeal the bill in its entirety and start the process over by passing smaller bills that enjoy bipartisan support and focus on bringing down costs for American healthcare consumers.”

Simpson also stressed that while they continue to push a full-scale repeal, Republicans in Congress and in the states should work to repeal and amend the law in any way possible to limit its negative impact. “The simple truth is that the prospects for full-scale repeal are slim as long as President Obama is in office and can veto any legislation we might be able to pass through Congress,” said Simpson. “So while we wait for the presidential election of 2012, we should move forward with other measures that hold more near-term promise of blunting the impact of this bill. Those efforts include supporting Idaho’s constitutional challenge to the Democrats’ bill, amending the bill to alter its most onerous provisions, and seeking limitations on funding of its implementation. Limiting the reach and impact of this bill must be a multi-pronged approach.”

Simpson is also a cosponsor of three other bills introduced in the House this week to repeal individual sections of the bill.  He is a cosponsor of a bill introduced by Congressman Scott Garrett, the Reclaiming Individual Liberty Act, which would repeal the unconstitutional individual mandate.  He also is a cosponsor of legislation introduced by Congressman Ted Poe.  The Defund the Individual Mandate Act would prohibit funds from being appropriated or otherwise made available to any federal department or agency to be used to implement or enforce any federal mandate to purchase health insurance.  In addition, he is a cosponsor of the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act.  Introduced by Congressman Dan Lungren, this bill would repeal the onerous and burdensome small business tax reporting provision that requires business owners to submit a separate 1099 reporting form for every single business-to-business transaction that totals more than $600 in a given year.