Simpson Joins Budget Committee in Passing FY2012 BudgetHouse Budget Committee advances Path to Prosperity, cuts federal budget by $6.2 trillion over ten years
April 7, 2011
Fiscal Responsibility
“This really is an extraordinary accomplishment in budgeting,” said Simpson. “It is a crucial first step in the process of reforming our entitlements and ending our debt crisis because it provides a plan by which Congress can stabilize our long term budget outlook and end the practice of run-away spending in Washington.”
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a member of the House Budget Committee, joined his Chairman Paul Ryan in passing the Fiscal Year 2012 budget resolution out of committee late last night. The committee worked all day Wednesday and into the night crafting and debating portions of the budget, which was unveiled Tuesday, and cuts $6.2 trillion over its ten year window.
“This really is an extraordinary accomplishment in budgeting,” said Simpson. “It is a crucial first step in the process of reforming our entitlements and ending our debt crisis because it provides a plan by which Congress can stabilize our long term budget outlook and end the practice of run-away spending in Washington.”
The budget resolution, known as the Path to Prosperity, not only reduces yearly spending to below 2008 levels, but it reforms Medicare and Medicaid without affecting the benefits of those in or near retirement, forces bipartisan discussions on securing the future of the Social Security system, reforms the tax code, repeals Obama’s health care law and reforms and privatizes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These reforms create enormous savings.
“The House Budget Committee has passed a Resolution that tackles the problem head on. This has not been the case in recent years; in fact, last year, the Democratic Majority did not even propose a budget, let alone pass one. Republicans have committed themselves to taking the difficult, sometimes unpopular steps needed to fix the real problems our country faces. I am proud to be a part of this endeavor.” |