Simpson’s Wolf Language Passes HouseH.R. 1473 delists wolves, defunds Wild Lands, and cuts EPA, moves to the U.S. Senate
April 14, 2011
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 1473. This legislation provides the largest spending cut in history for the federal government and contains Simpson’s language to delist wolves and defund Department of Interior’s Wild Lands initiative.
“Congress has the constitutional responsibility to fund government operations, and choosing not to do so would have been a failure of leadership. It is important to recognize the sea change in public debate about spending has been taken up by Congress. Just a year ago the conversation was about the government’s growing appetite for spending. Today we passed a bill that cut more in spending than any other single bill in our nation’s history. We still have a long way to go to address the deficit crisis facing our nation, but passage of H.R. 1473 is an important step in the right direction.
“This bill makes $40 billion in real reductions in government spending, including a 16% cut in funding for the EPA, which is under my subcommittee’s jurisdiction. It also includes some provisions that are vital to Idaho, including language to remove wolves from the endangered species list and a provision to defund the Department of the Interior’s controversial Wild Lands policy. With these provisions, Idahoans are better equipped to make the best decisions for their families, communities, ranches, and businesses. I want to commend Speaker Boehner and Chairman Rogers for crafting a remarkable bill that ensures that the government continues to serve the American people and puts us squarely on the path to fiscal responsibility." |