Simpson Praises FY2012 Budget PassageCongressman is a member of the Budget Committee and looks forward to enacting real reforms
April 15, 2011
Fiscal Responsibility
“I was glad to see my Republican colleagues unite behind this budget. It is the first serious proposal in Congress to tackle the biggest issues facing our country: the national debt, our outdated tax code, and our ailing entitlement programs,” said Simpson. “It fundamentally strengthens and secures Medicare and Medicaid for future generations but does not alter the benefits for those in or near retirement. House Republicans are leading the way with this tough but fair proposal.”
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a senior Member on the House Budget Committee, joined his Republican colleagues in passing H.Con.Res. 34 with a final vote of 235-193. This budget, named Path to Prosperity, is the first and only proposal offered that lays out a path to a balanced budget and ultimately eliminates the national debt by fundamentally reforming entitlement programs.
“I was glad to see my Republican colleagues unite behind this budget. It is the first serious proposal in Congress to tackle the biggest issues facing our country: the national debt, our outdated tax code, and our ailing entitlement programs,” said Simpson. “It fundamentally strengthens and secures Medicare and Medicaid for future generations but does not alter the benefits for those in or near retirement. House Republicans are leading the way with this tough but fair proposal.”
The Senate will act next by putting out its own FY2012 budget, then the difference between the two will be reconciled before a final budget is passed. |